Tuesday, April 15, 2014

DEFERRED DREAMS - A Tribute to Caregivers

Newly published (4/14/14) this novel is a story of a daughter who puts her life on hold to care for her mother whose Alzheimer's is progressing. Jennifer Adams has lost several loved ones in the past few years and now faces the realization the last link to her family will be gone. A new doctor can't offer hope for a cure because the illness is ultimately terminal, but he does help her travel the road on this last journey.

A caregiver’s job has to be the most unrewarding there is. After giving, giving, and giving more, a caregiver still feels enough hasn’t been done. As of this writing, two members of my family are providing care for their loved ones. I, too, was a caregiver on and off many years before my daughter’s passing due to a different debilitating illness and yet wonder if I could have done more. So this book is close to my heart. Regardless of the nature of the illness or time required, a caregiver must be available when needed with little consideration of a personal life.
What occurs when days or weeks stretch into as long as ten years? Burnout. Compassion fatigue. Psychological distress. One becomes numb, drained of emotion, lethargic, and avoids interaction with others. Little respite time is available. No formal training is offered for the dedicated who quietly tend to loved ones. They do whatever is necessary and learn along the way.
Take time to say thank you to a caregiver. Give thought that tomorrow, without warning or choice, the duty could possibly become yours. Would you be up to the task?
Presently available on Amazon, Deferred Dreams will soon be available with other e-book publishers. View my other works at http://sherryboardman.com.

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