Saturday, September 8, 2012

E-Books vs. Traditional

My whole life I have read. The numbers of bookshelves filled with mostly historical romance paperbacks are almost embarrassing. I must begin boxing them up to donate to nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living...anywhere they might entertain others who have little to do. However, each one of them seems to be an award for taking the time to sit and enjoy myself when the moments came. Reread? Hardly ever. I remember every storyline.

Now, a transition has arrived. Millions of books are online internationally. Mine among them. I am proud to be called an indie (independent writer/publisher). Why the popularity? Convenience is one reason. Browsing is accomplished at one’s own pace. Often, the blurb (synopsis) is more detailed, and, almost always, a portion of the book is available for preview. Plus, the prices are an enticement for readers. I picked up a paperback at our local super-center the other day and was amazed to see it was almost $7.00 for less than 300 pages (maybe 75,000 words). Most of that size sells for $3.99 or less online. The Kindle Fire has set Amazon’s reading audience ablaze. Other vendors who offer e-books now have competitive brands of e-readers available. Most have the capacity of loading up to 500 books with online libraries to store them until no longer wanted. Why should anyone again purchase a traditional paperback?

Many of us are just old fashioned, I suppose. I still enjoy holding a book in my hands, trying to keep the spine creased open enough to read the words on the inside margin, and locating a misplaced bookmark to save my place. But more and more, I’ve looked into the Kindle and other readers. They are becoming more affordable. I’m certainly making the royalties to gift myself. As age and arthritis set in, it might the direction to go. One thing is for certain...I will continue to enjoy reading in one form or the other. However, my writing presently takes precedence while hoping others will choose one of my works to download and read at their leisure. Perhaps you have an enticing story to tell. If so, check out Amazon or Smashwords (or others) for self-publication at no cost to the author.

For my present offerings, including my new time travel historical romance The Lairds of Callaghan, visit

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