Sad songs. Depressing thoughts. Miserable life. Continuous grief. Mary
Simmons is experiencing all of these emotions and more. Gone is an
irresponsible husband, upper class home,
luxury car,
and a promising career when the bank's doors closed for good. Christmas
is only a few days away, and even with two jobs, it isn't certain there
will be enough extra money to pay for her children's few gifts on
layaway. Is there still such a thing as
Christmas joy? A tender story to tug at the heart during a joyous season.
Christmas Requiem (5-star reviews) is now available on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, and other ebook publishers. In print is available on Amazon and CreateSpace. A beautifully created cover with only a festive bow is all that is needed to display a special holiday treat. $1.99/$4.75.
For additional selections, please visit my web site.
Happy Holidays!