Friday, June 29, 2012

Portal to Loch Doon in U.K.'s Top 100

Portal to Loch Doon remained in the Top 100 best sellers in the U.S. Amazon historical romance time travel category for nine months. Now the U.K. is picking up where it left off in the U.S. I am so pleased so many readers have found this whimsical romance enjoyable. It certainly makes the author wish for another personal journey to the unique country.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

CHILDREN'S QUIET TIME by Sherry Boardman

Children's Quiet Time, a collection of four short stories, has been published on Amazon for children ages 6 and up. They can be read aloud to those who can't yet read, or more experienced readers can read to themselves. A variety of stories are included:

Bump in the Night - five girls at a slumber party have an uninvited guest. (a little spooky)

The Whirlybird - a young boy is ecstatic when a helicopter has to land on his roof.

One Is A Lonely Number - a little lady has trouble finding a playmate

How Are You, Mr. Ryan? - a young boy must decide how he can protect his treasures, one being an autographed baseball glove, when flood water threatens his home. (This is a title previously published as a single.)

Children's Quiet Time can be found on Amazon,, and will soon be listed on my website,

Hope everyone is staying cool!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Shadows o'er Killarney

Just pushed CreateSpace's Publish button. Shadows o'er Killarney will soon be available in print. Editing took some time for the longer novel since the author must use a specific trim size and the manuscript must be reformatted, then edited over and again.This historical romance-fantasy will be 6x9, 313 pages. I'm excited to have my third one is print following Portal to Loch Doon and The Other Side of Midnight. An autograph party is definitely in the near future since I now have something to sign. Feels good.

To view all of my work, you can visit my Website and click on the links to take you directly to a selected book site.

It's getting hot here is Texas. However, it is summer. After a lifetime here, why would I expect any different?  If you have special vacation plans, be safe, but have a great time!