Sunday, December 18, 2011

5-Star Review for Christmas Story

How wonderful to receive a 5-star review on a holiday short story. Just wanted to share it.
(Christmas Requiem, Also available on Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple, Sony, etc.
5.0 out of 5 stars Christmas Requiem Is a Sweet and Tender Tale Full of Christmas Joy., December 3, 2011
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Christman Requiem (Kindle Edition)
Christmas Requiem is a sweet and tender tale full of Christmas joy.

Mary Simmons is nearly at the end of her rope. With two children and the proceeds of two meager jobs the only means to support them, the outlook for Christmas is both bleak and lean. It has been a long-time since her ex-husband has bothered to help support his abandoned family and it shows. There may not be even enough money to get the children's small gifts out of layaway.

David Johnson on the other hand has it all. That is, if you consider material possessions and no family everything. The only thing he has to sustain him for the holiday season is to work. There nearly is not enough time to stop and even have his children's presents wrapped in time to mail them across the country so the children can open them without his being present to enjoy it.

One of Mary's part-time jobs is wrapping gifts at the mall and a chance meeting between the two begins to stir a series of events that may give both an opportunity for a Christmas to remember and possibly to enjoy forever more.

This short story is recommended reading for anybody who wishes to feel the heart warming hope that the holiday season can bring.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Short Story (18,880 words-75 pages)

CHRISTMAS REQUIEM (; is a tender holiday story of a single parent trying to just make ends meet and find some way for her children to have a decent Christmas. There is a romantic interest, but the theme is the sorrow, depression, and sadness of those who want to share gladness with others, but have none within themselves. We all look for the silver lining, especially those of us with children. My children had quite lean Christmases some years. The memory of one still lingers when one of my children looked under the tree and turned with tears in blue eyes to ask me if that was all there was. This season, let us remember those who have little because of the economy and pray for the recovery of our country. If possible, give a little extra to those who have nothing. After all, it is really the meaning of the Season. (Also available on Barnes & Noble Nook, Sony, Apple, Kobo, and other e-Book publishers.)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Time Travel Historical Romance still on best seller's list.

Six months after publishing a sweet romance occurring after the heroine travels back in time to Scotland, Portal to Loch Doon remains in the top 100 of Amazon's time travel historical romance category. Who would have thought that a relatively easy read, even with the Scottish dialect, would find itself on over 600 people's Kindles? I am so pleased my work is being appreciated. Portal to Loch Doon's book trailer is now available on You Tube for a brief preview of the beginnings of Marcella and Robert in 17th century Scotland. Of course, this is only one of my nine publications on Amazon.The eight on Smashwords have been approved for their premium catalog and are being distributed to Barns and Noble (Nook), Apple, Sony, Kobo, and others, with excellent results. If you are "into" e-books or have friends or family who are, consider starting your preview on my author's page and branch out. Hope everyone is getting important shopping done before last minute. However, I'm behind, but waiting on the holiday sales. Cheers to all.


Portal to Loch Doon
Amazon author's page  
Smashwords author's page